ntm.org.in - /download/reports/

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12/31/2013 4:19 PM 76221 6th-batch-report.pdf
4/11/2014 1:12 PM 109531 7th-batch-report.pdf
7/26/2021 2:14 PM 1041270 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT 20-21.pdf
3/17/2020 3:28 PM 615320 Annual Report - 2018-19.pdf
2/19/2020 4:11 PM 574453 Annual report from 1 April to 21 November 2019.pdf
2/24/2020 11:16 AM 689878 ANNUAL REPORT from April to 6 December 2018.pdf
5/27/2020 2:50 PM 1002842 annual report-2019-20.pdf
6/29/2010 5:17 PM 37103050 Annual-Report-2009-2010.pdf
5/26/2015 3:32 PM 7109123 Annual-Report-2013-14.pdf
5/27/2015 3:09 PM 7916516 Annual-Report-2014-15.pdf
10/24/2016 9:56 AM 472569 Annual-Report-2015-2016.pdf
2/24/2020 11:17 AM 2444057 Annual-Report-2016-2017.pdf
8/23/2024 3:24 PM 21052755 Annual-Rport _2022-2023.pdf
2/12/2009 12:41 PM 162816 Field Trip Report-1.xls
9/23/2010 5:06 PM 6015373 Knowledge Scenario Survey Report.pdf
9/23/2010 5:06 PM 6015373 knowledge scenario- final report.pdf
1/26/2010 4:04 PM 3514559 KT Scenario.pdf
3/3/2009 12:16 PM 541283 Maharashtra%20Fieldtrip%201%20Report%20-%20Winston%20Cruz.pdf
12/6/2008 3:06 PM 64060 NATIONAL TRANSLATION MISSION - Status as on Oct 20, 2008.pdf
9/23/2010 5:03 PM 82271 NTM PAC - Minutes of the Second meeting 06 05 2010.pdf
9/23/2010 5:14 PM 101824 NTM PAC - Minutes of the Third meeting 09 08 2010.pdf
9/23/2010 5:30 PM 473323 NTM Sub-committee for knowledge text- Minutes of the Second meeting 22 02 2010.pdf
9/23/2010 5:12 PM 121184 NTM Sub-committee for knowledge text- Minutes of the Third meeting 03 09 2010.pdf
9/23/2010 5:42 PM 1144177 NTM Sub-committee for rates - Minutes 01 02 2010.pdf
3/19/2014 12:26 PM 125818 NTM- Planning Commission.pdf
3/25/2014 5:32 PM 6524599 ntmhandbook.pdf
11/5/2013 10:19 AM 6758107 Report of Glossary Work.pdf
9/23/2010 6:46 PM 1175771 Report on Shortlisted Books.pdf
9/23/2010 4:41 PM 990190 Royalty-Industry Practice Across India.pdf
11/11/2009 3:58 PM 297743 Urdu Seminar report.pdf