Volume 14 Issue 1, 2020

Cover page | Editorial | Content | Contributors


  1. Assessment of Student Translators' Texts from Nepali into English: Language Quality and Degree of Task Completion.
Author(s): Bal Ram Adhikari     Pages: 1-22       Published: 2020
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Assessment of Student Translators' Texts from Nepali into English: Language Quality and Degree of Task Completion
Received 02.02.2020, Accepted 02.06.2020
This study attempts to assess the quality of English translations by English-major M.Ed. students specializing in Translation Studies. The study adopted the combination of error analysis and holistic method to assess the quality of target texts (TTs) elicited through the production task carried out by 30 purposively selected students. Findings show that most of TTs were undermined by grammatical errors and syntactic inaccuracies revealing student translators' substandard English competence. The study thus sees the urgency of incorporating English teaching into the translation course to strengthen student translators' production skill in English.
Keywords: Source Text, Student Translators, Target Text, Translation Assessment, Translation Competence.
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Adhikari, Bal Ram. 2020. Assessment of Student Translators’ Texts from Nepali into English: Language Quality and Degree of Task Completion. Translation Today, Vol. 14(1). 1-22.
  2. Deepa Kumawat, B. K. Anjana, (2020). Dialectal Peculiarities of Indian Text and Context in Translation Practice: A Critique.
Author(s): Deepa Kumawat & B. K. Anjana     Pages: 23-34       Published: 2020
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Deepa Kumawat & B. K. Anjana, (2020). Dialectal Peculiarities of Indian Text and Context in Translation Practice: A Critique
Received 30.04.2020, Accepted 01.07.2020
Translation from one language to another is a continual phenomenon but when translation takes place between regional literary texts and English, it tends to call certain translational choices at two levels. On the first level, to decipher out the nuances of the original, the translator has to delve deep to know more than what is written on linguistic level in the original and then the possible effective expression of it into the TL follows on the other level. The present paper analyses the same exemplifying the short stories of Maitreyi Pushpa, a Hindi author, who writes in dialectal variation of Hindi pertinent to the region where the stories have been set. Maitreyi Pushpa's fondness of using the varieties and derivations of kinship terms, reduplicated forms and compound words, regional cultural rituals and other specific lexical peculiarities etc. have been analysed in the process of translation and it is found that the conflict for finding the closest possible equivalents rather needs some integrated approach to analyse it in the cultural context and situation. Looking at the ideological and thematic details of Indian literary texts, it has also been found that translations bring forth the Indian perspectives and landscape of these widely discussed ideologies viz. the grim face of Indian feminism in Pushpa's writings.
Keywords: Dialectal Variety, Context, Indian Literature, Maitreyi Pushpa, Translation.
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Kumawat, Deepa and Anjana, B. K. 2020. Dialectal Peculiarities of Indian Text and Context in Translation Practice: A Critique. Translation Today, Vol. 14(1). 23-34.
  3. Translating Drama: An Interpretation, an Investigation.
Author(s): G. Satya Girish & K. Rajyarama     Pages: 35-49       Published: 2020
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Translating Drama: An Interpretation, an Investigation
Received 25.05.2020, Accepted 03.07.2020
This paper addresses the problems of translating dramatic texts from the viewpoints of the purpose of translation and the strategies involved. Issues like untranslatability of certain social aspects and lexical gaps between English and Telugu are discussed in detail drawing examples from two different texts published in different periods of time.
Keywords: Translation Studies, Telugu Drama, Untranslatability, Modernism, Problems of Translation.
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Girish, G. Satya and Rajyaram, K. 2020. Translating Drama: An Interpretation, an Investigation. Translation Today, Vol. 14(1). 35-49.
  4. From Little Tradition to Great Tradition: Canonising Aithihyamala.
Author(s): Nivea Thomas K & S. Arulmozi     Pages: 51-63       Published: 2020
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From Little Tradition to Great Tradition: Canonising Aithihyamala
Received 30.10.2019, Accepted 16.07.2020
In an attempt to reinvent the tradition of Kerala in the light of colonial modernity, Kottarathil Sankunni collected and transcribed the lores and legends of Kerala in his work Aithihyamala in 1909. When the legends were textualised, Sankunni attributed certain literary values to the narratives to legitimise the genre. As it was a folk appropriation by a scholarly elite like Sankunni who had received English education during the colonial period, the legends moved from folk tradition to classical tradition. In their transition from Little Tradition to Great Tradition, the legends underwent huge transformation in terms of form, content, language, context and narrative style. The text became fixed, stable and structured and was eventually subjected to a canon. However, when one perceives Aithihyamala (1909) as the ‘authentic’ and the ‘final’ version of the legends in Kerala, one is neglecting and silencing the multiple oral versions and folk tradition that had been existing since the pre-literate period. The current study attempts to trace the transformation undergone by the text when it moved towards the direction of a literary canon.
Keywords: Legends Transcription, Great Tradition, Little Tradition, Literary Canon.
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Thomas, Niveak and Arulmozi, S. 2020. From Little Tradition to Great Tradition: Canonising Aithihyamala. Translation Today, Vol. 14(1). 51-63.
  5. Translation as ‘Rewriting’: Revisiting Translation Views of Tagore and Lefevere.
Author(s): Suvash Chandra Dasgupta     Pages: 65-76       Published: 2020
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Translation as ‘Rewriting’: Revisiting Translation Views of Tagore and Lefevere
Received 01.05.2020, Accepted 02.07.2020
Translation involves the task of transferring a text from the source language to the target one. During the process of this transfer, the source text is rewritten and eventually gets accepted in the receptor language as the ‘rewriting of the original’. Tagore for the first time applied the word ‘rewriting’ as an equivalent of creative translation but left it unexplained. Translation practices of Tagore and a few other translators confirm his belief that translation creates a new independent work. Lefevere gives the word a new lease of life in the 1980s through his writings and it has since come to be associated with his name. Both Tagore and Lefevere made theoretical contribution to the concept of ‘rewriting’. One needs to revisit their translation views to understand how ‘rewriting’ of the original comes about in the receptor language.
Keywords: Transfer, Source Language, Target Language, Source Text, Receptor Language, Equivalent, Rewriting.
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Dasgupta, Suvash Chandra. 2020. Translation as ‘Rewriting’: Revisiting Translation Views of Tagore and Lefevere. Translation Today, Vol. 14(1). 56-76.
  6. Challenges of Translating Classical Tamil Poetry into French: The Tiruppavai as Example.
Author(s): Vasumathi Badrinathan     Pages: 77-99       Published: 2020
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Challenges of Translating Classical Tamil Poetry into French: The Tiruppavai as Example
Received 15.03.2020, Accepted 08.07.2020
This article focuses on classical Tamil poetry, represented by the Tiruppavai of Andal. The article seeks to understand the challenges of translating from Tamil into French, of a poetry that is non-contemporary, and which communicates layered meanings relating to religion, metaphysics, spirituality, nature and simply, the self. While every literary translation poses difficulties, translating classical Tamil poetry comes with a set of challenges by way of being spatially, temporally, contextually and even to an extent, linguistically removed from the present. Which route should the translator take: Faithful reproduction, brave reinvention or a middle path? The corpus for this article is drawn from two translations in French of the Tiruppavai that are studied and compared in this perspective.
Keywords: Poetry, Tiruppavai, Tamil, French, Translation.
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Badrinathan, Vasumathi. 2020. Challenges of Translating Classical Tamil Poetry into French: The Tiruppavai as Example. Translation Today, Vol. 14(1). 77-99


  1. Manjulakshi L, (2020). An Interview with P. P. Giridhar. Translation Today https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2020.14.1.in1
  2. Umesh Kumar, (2020). An Interview with Maya Pandit. Translation Today https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2020.14.1.in2

Book Reviews

  1. Reviewed by Vinay S. M, (2020). Untranslatability: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Translation Today
  2. Reviewed by Obed Ebenezer S, (2020). The Neurocognition of Translation and Interpreting. Translation Today
  3. Reviewed by Vivek Kumar, (2020).The Wall and the Arcade: Walter Benjamin’s Metaphysics of Translation and its Affiliates. Translation Today https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2020.14.1.br3
  4. Reviewed by Randheer Kour, (2020). Sympathy for the Traitor. Translation Today
  5. Reviewed by Ragini Ramachandra, (2020). Kabir, Rahim and Biharilal's Dohas in Translation. Translation Today https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2020.14.1.br5


  Translated by Bindu Singh, (2020). A Pot of Rice and Roasted Rats Jugaad by Prem Kumar Mani in Hindi. Translation Today https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2020.14.1.tr

Annotated Bibliographies

  Subha Chakraburtty, (2020). An Annotated Bibliography of Translation Studies Books Published in 2019 – Part II. Translation Today https://doi.org/10.46623/tt/2020.14.1.ab


  1. Prattipati Matthew, (2020). Avadhesh Kumar Singh (20th June 1960 - 12th August 2019). Translation Today
  2. Sayantan Mondal, (2020). Tutun Mukherjee (17th November 1952 – 7th January 2019). Translation Today

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