रावसोलायनो गोनां बिजाबफोर

  Botany Law Physics
  Chemistry Mathematics Political Science
  Mechanical Engineering Psychology
  Economics Medical Sciences Sociology
  History Philosophy Zoology
  I. Botany
1. Salisbury F.B and Ross C.W
Plant Physiology
CBS Publishers & Distributors/wadsworth, 2007
495 INR

2. De Robertis, E. D. P.,De Robertis EMF
Cell and Molecular Biology
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008 733pp,
850 INR

3. Gangulee, H. C.
College Botany Volume I
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 1959
395 INR

Gangulee, Kar
College Botany Volume II
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 2006

Mukherjee, S. K.
College Botany Volume III
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 2006

4. Nelson, David L.; Cox, Michael M.
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
I. K. International Pvt. Ltd (now publish by W. H. Freeman), 2008, 1119pp,
4008 INR
  II. Chemistry
1. Cotton F., Albert; Wilkinson, Geoffrey; Carlos A. Murillo; Manfred Bochmann
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprehensive Text
Wiley India, 2007
1355pp, 579 INR

2. Finar, I. L.
Organic Chemistry Volume I
Pearson Education, 2002 (6th ed)
964pp, 675 INR

Finar, I. L.
Organic Chemistry Volume II
Pearson Education, 2002 (5th ed)
743pp, 699 INR

3. Banwell, Colin N.; Mccash, Elaine M.
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
McGraw Hill, 2010
308pp, 2852 INR

4. Atkins, Peter; De Paula, Julio
Atkins' Physical Chemistry
Oxford University Press, 2009, 1180pp (2001), 565 INR

5. Morrison, R.T.; Boyd, R.N.
Organic Chemistry
Prentice Hall of India (now publish by Pearson Education), 2003
1352pp, 475 INR
  III. Computer Science and Applications
1. Aho, Alfred V.; Sethi, Ravi; Ullman, Jeffrey D.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools
Pearson, 2008
1009pp, 565 INR

2. Knuth, Donald E.
Art of Computer Programming Volume 1-3
Addison-Wesley Professional, 1998
780pp, 535 INR
  IV. Economics
1. Meier, Gerald M.; Rauch, James E.
Leading Issues in Economic Development
Oxford University Press, 2005
650pp, 495 INR

2. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Ten Great Economists
Simon Publications, 2003
320pp, 29.95 UK Pound
3. Patnaik, Prabhat
Macroeconomics (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Economics)
Oxford University Press, 1995
256pp, 39.36 UK Pound
  V. History
1. Thapar, Romila.
Early India: From the Origins to AD 1300
Penguin India, 2002
555pp, 299 INR

2. Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand
An Introduction to the Study of Indian History
Popular Prakashan, 1996
415 pp, 275 INR
  VI. Law
1. Singh, Mahendra Pal; Shukla, Vijaya Narain
Constitution of India
Eastern Book Co., 2008<
1160pp, 590 INR

2. Jain, Mahabir Prashad
Indian Constitutional Law
Lexus Nexus Butterworths, 2007
3396pp, 995 INR
  VII. Mathematics
1. Rudin, Walter
Principles of Mathematical Analysis
Mcgraw Hill Education, 1976
342pp, 7 US Dollar

2. Herstein, I. N.
Topics in Algebra
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2006
388pp, 319 INR
  VIII. Mechanical Engineering
1. Holman J. P.
Heat Transfer
Mcgraw Hill India, 2009
676pp, 450 INR

2. Shigley, Joseph E.
Mechanical Engineering Design
Mcgraw Hill India, 2008
1055pp, 550 INR
  IX. Medical Sciences
1. Barrett, Kim E.; Barman, Susan M.; Boitano, Scott; Brooks, Heddwen
Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology
Mcgraw Hill Education, 2009
714pp, 36.91 UK Pound

2. Williams, Norman S.; Bulstrode, Christopher J. K.; O'connell, P. Ronan
Bailey and Love's Short Practice of Surgery
Oxford University Press, 2008
1513pp, 30 UK pound
3. Cunningham, Daniel John; Romanes, George J.
Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy (Oxford Medical Publications)
Oxford University Press, 2002
1090pp, 8481 INR
4. Park, J. E.
Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine
Banarsidas Bhanot, 2009 (20th ed)
715pp, 584 INR
5. Satoskar, R. S.; Bhandarkar, S. D.; Ainapure, S. S.
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2005
1138pp, 595 INR
6. Subrahmanyam, B.
Modi's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology
Butterworths India, 1999
587 pp, 798 INR
  X. Philosophy
1. Irving M., Copi
Symbolic Logic
PHI Learning, 2009
411pp, 7053 INR

2. Hiriyanna, M.
Outlines of Indian Philosophy
Motilal Banarsidass, 2009
420pp, 12.50 UK pound
  XI. Physics
1. Feynman, Richard P.; Leighton, Robert B,; Sands, Matthew
The Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes)
Pearson India, 2006
1552pp, 325 INR

2. Halliday, David, Resnick, Robert, Walker, Jearl
Fundamentals of Physics
Wiley India, 2008
1300pp, 549 INR
  XII. Political Science
1. Austin, Granville
The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation (Oxford India paperbacks)
Oxford University Press, 1999
390pp, 345 INR

2. Laski, Harold J
A Grammar of Politics
Surjeet Publication, 2004
672pp, 250 INR
3. Sabine, G. H.
A History of Political Theory
Surjeet Publication, 2007
948pp, 250 INR
  XIII. Psychology
1. Carson, Robert C.; Butcher, James Neal; Mineka, Susan
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
Allyn & Bacon (Pearson Education India), 2000
718pp, 17.61 UK Pound

2. Garrett, Bob L.
Brain and Behavior
Wadsworth Publishing, 2003
480pp, 4573 INR
3. Berk, Laura E.
Child Development
Allyn & Bacon (Pearson Education India), 2002
648pp, 7426 INR
4. Anastasi
Psychological Testing
Dorling Kindersley India, 2006
721pp, 295 INR
5. Hall, Calvin S.; Lindzey, Gardner; Campbell, John B.
Theories of Personality
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2007
768pp, 449 INR
  XIV. Sociology
1. Coser, Lewis A.
Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and Social Context
Rawat Publication, 2008
611pp, 350 INR

2. Gisbert, P. S. J.
Fundamentals of Sociology
Orient Longman, 2006
510pp, 220 INR
3. Giddens, A.
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2009
1094pp, 895 INR
  XV. Zoology
Cooper, Geoffrey M.
The Cell: A Molecular Approach
Asm Press & Sinauer Associates, 2009 (5th ed)
689pp, 4711

2. Jordan, EL and Verma, P. S.
Invertebrate Zoology
S Chand & Co. Ltd., 2001 (new ed)
848pp, 500 INR
3. Karp, Gerald
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments
Wiley India, 2009
765pp, 7679 INR
4. Iyyer, Ekamaranatha and T.N. Ananthakrishnan
A Manual of Zoology(Volumes I and II)
S.Viswanathan (Printers & Publishers) Pvt. Ltd., 2000