Generation of high quality translation tools such as dictionaries and thesauri is one of the main objectives of NTM. Bilingual and e-dictionaries are being prepared in 22 Indian languages. It is unique in the aspects of colloquialism, contextualized natural constructions, and wide-range of examples, frequently used lexical and functional items, and their usages.
NTM has been working on dictionary making in various Indian languages. The two kinds of lexical build activities undertaken at present are:
a) Bilingual Basic Dictionaries
b) Bilingual E-dictionaries
Bilingual Basic Dictionaries |
Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore, in collaboration with the United Kingdom based Longman Pearson Group, started a joint venture of making bilingual dictionaries in the year May-June, 2006. These dictionaries were meant to serve as translation tools as and when NTM was launched; the project was subsumed under NTM in 2008. These bilingual dictionaries are modelled after the British National Corpus (BNC)-based hugely popular Basic English-English dictionary of about 14,000 most frequent words and phrases.
The Longman-NTM-CIIL basic bilingual dictionaries are supposed to be brought out in phases. Six dictionaries viz. Bengali, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya and Tamil have already been published (a list is provided below); Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu and Urdu dictionaries are also supposed to be brought out soon.
A list of dictionaries published in 2011-2012 by Pearson Education (India): |
Longman-CIIL English English Hindi Dictionary
Longman-CIIL English English Bengali Dictionary
Longman-CIIL English English Kannada Dictionary
Longman-NTM-CIIL English English Oriya Dictionary
Longman-NTM-CIIL English English Malayalam Dictionary
Longman-NTM-CIIL English English Tamil Dictionary
NTM is working towards extending the lexical build activities and to bring out dictionaries in all 22 languages listed in the VIII Schedule of the Constitution of India
Bilingual E-dictionaries:
NTM-CIIL has entered into an agreement with Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. for consultancy services and license to use Pearson Education’s XML dataset of the ‘Longman Advanced Bilingual Framework’ (LABF). LABF dataset for the letters A-Z has been uploaded by Longman UK for NTM in the IDM server. LABF Dataset will be used through the Dictionary Production System (DPS), originally developed by Longman and marketed by IDM, France.
The NTM Bilingual Electronic Dictionaries are based on-
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Longman Advanced American Dictionary
Longman Dictionary of English and Culture
Longman Business Dictionarye
Longman Dictionary of English Language
information from the Longman Corpus Network
NTM is in touch with Pearson Education regarding various nitty-gritties that need to be finalised.
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