ट्रांस्लेशन टुडे
A Biannual Double-blind Peer-reviewed refereed UGC Approved
Translation Today is a peer-reviewed, indexed and refereed journal of the National
Translation Mission (NTM). This journal, lovingly abbreviated as TT, is available
in print (through subscription) and online (open access) formats. TT has been maintaining
an extensive outreach and receiving an encouraging response from the readers and
experts. It aims to enrich the ever-expanding field of Translation Studies by publishing
articles, reports, interviews, squibs, book reviews and actual translations. Numerous
universities and institutions of the national and international significance have
recognised Translation Today as a leading journal in the area of Translation Studies.
Translation Today invites research writings in the form of conceptual-theoretical
or empirical-implementable papers. The authors can contribute works on any theme
relevant to Translation Studies and other cooperating disciplines like Interpreting
Studies, Adaptation, Commentary, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies. Interested
authors may contribute their work in different categories such as full-length articles,
research reports, squibs, interactions with experts and book reviews. The prospective
contributors may to contact the editorial team to know the specifications applicable
to these categories.
Translation Today is an offer to Translation Studies scholars; it is an opportunity
for them to publish their research / findings and share it with diverse and dedicated
readers. TT has been serving as a platform for deliberation on emerging issues and
addressing pertinent questions in the field of theoretical and practical translation.
Currently, NTM is carrying out the translation of the books recommended at Under
Graduate & Post Graduate levels of Indian universities. Therefore, TT also encourages
contributions focussing on the translation of textbooks including Natural Sciences,
Social Sciences, Humanities, etc. Contributions in the form of thematic papers,
conceptual articles, research/project reports, empirical/implementable studies,
interview transcripts, book reviews and other suitable materials are welcome for
the upcoming issue. Translation Today follows the standard publishing norms. Accordingly,
all authors receive an acknowledgement for their submissions. An in-house editorial
team examines the submissions for consistency and then reviewing follows. The reviewing
and publication mostly complete within a couple of months. TT adheres to the double-blind
system of peer-review. The authors would be glad to know that from submission to
publication there is absolutely NO FEE and a contributing author may contact the
editors to know about the status of their papers. Unpublished contributions will
be preferred. In the case of published items or part thereof, it is the responsibility
of the contributor to obtain permission for publication from the previous author/publisher.
TT retains the copyright for the works publishable in its issues. For republishing
any material from TT, the concerned author should obtain the permission of the editor
in writing. The editors reserve the right to modify the contributions if and when
necessary. The submissions should come with the author's name, address, institutional
affiliation, contact details and any significant academic achievement. All articles
should carry a 100-word abstract and a crisp bio-note of the author(s). The call
for papers is open round the year. However, the papers received by the end of April
would appear in the June issue, and the papers received by the end of October would
feature in the December issue.
Style and conventions:
Please prepare your paper in word and pdf formats and submit them as email attachments
to ntmtranslationtoday@gmail.com Authors may kindly follow the LSA style convention
carefully and compose their papers accordingly.
Translation Today urges its esteemed contributors to keep their work free from plagiarism
and use language that does not hurt any section of society. Needless to say, works
reflecting bias, hatred and prejudice; racial, religious, sexist and whatsoever
are unacceptable.
National Translation Mission (NTM),
Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL),
Mysore, Karnataka, India 570006
Visit Translation
Submission and queries:
Kindly email all submissions and queries to ntmtranslationtoday[AT]gmail[DOT]com
For specific queries, please write to:
Dr. Tariq Khan
National Translation Mission,
Central Institute of Indian Languages,
Hunsur Road, Manasagangotri, Mysore, India-570006
E-mail: projectdirector[DOT]ntm[AT]gmail[DOT]com