کتب برائے ترجمہ
I. Botany
1. Salisbury F.B and Ross C.W
Plant Physiology
CBS Publishers & Distributors/wadsworth, 2007
495 INR
2. De Robertis, E. D. P.,De Robertis EMF
Cell and Molecular Biology
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2008 733pp,
850 INR
3. Gangulee, H. C.
College Botany Volume I
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 1959
395 INR
Gangulee, Kar
College Botany Volume II
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 2006
Mukherjee, S. K.
College Botany Volume III
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd, 2006
4. Nelson, David L.; Cox, Michael M.
Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
I. K. International Pvt. Ltd (now publish by W. H. Freeman), 2008, 1119pp,
4008 INR
II. Chemistry
1. Cotton F., Albert; Wilkinson, Geoffrey; Carlos A. Murillo; Manfred Bochmann
Advanced Inorganic Chemistry: A Comprehensive Text
Wiley India, 2007
1355pp, 579 INR
2. Finar, I. L.
Organic Chemistry Volume I
Pearson Education, 2002 (6th ed)
964pp, 675 INR
Finar, I. L.
Organic Chemistry Volume II
Pearson Education, 2002 (5th ed)
743pp, 699 INR
3. Banwell, Colin N.; Mccash, Elaine M.
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
McGraw Hill, 2010
308pp, 2852 INR
4. Atkins, Peter; De Paula, Julio
Atkins' Physical Chemistry
Oxford University Press, 2009, 1180pp (2001), 565 INR
5. Morrison, R.T.; Boyd, R.N.
Organic Chemistry
Prentice Hall of India (now publish by Pearson Education), 2003
1352pp, 475 INR
III. Computer Science and Applications
1. Aho, Alfred V.; Sethi, Ravi; Ullman, Jeffrey D.
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, & Tools
Pearson, 2008
1009pp, 565 INR
2. Knuth, Donald E.
Art of Computer Programming Volume 1-3
Addison-Wesley Professional, 1998
780pp, 535 INR
IV. Economics
1. Meier, Gerald M.; Rauch, James E.
Leading Issues in Economic Development
Oxford University Press, 2005
650pp, 495 INR
2. Schumpeter, Joseph Alois
Ten Great Economists
Simon Publications, 2003
320pp, 29.95 UK Pound
3. Patnaik, Prabhat
Macroeconomics (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Economics)
Oxford University Press, 1995
256pp, 39.36 UK Pound
V. History
1. Thapar, Romila.
Early India: From the Origins to AD 1300
Penguin India, 2002
555pp, 299 INR
2. Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand
An Introduction to the Study of Indian History
Popular Prakashan, 1996
415 pp, 275 INR
VI. Law
1. Singh, Mahendra Pal; Shukla, Vijaya Narain
Constitution of India
Eastern Book Co., 2008<
1160pp, 590 INR
2. Jain, Mahabir Prashad
Indian Constitutional Law
Lexus Nexus Butterworths, 2007
3396pp, 995 INR
VII. Mathematics
1. Rudin, Walter
Principles of Mathematical Analysis
Mcgraw Hill Education, 1976
342pp, 7 US Dollar
2. Herstein, I. N.
Topics in Algebra
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2006
388pp, 319 INR
VIII. Mechanical Engineering
1. Holman J. P.
Heat Transfer
Mcgraw Hill India, 2009
676pp, 450 INR
2. Shigley, Joseph E.
Mechanical Engineering Design
Mcgraw Hill India, 2008
1055pp, 550 INR
IX. Medical Sciences
1. Barrett, Kim E.; Barman, Susan M.; Boitano, Scott; Brooks, Heddwen
Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology
Mcgraw Hill Education, 2009
714pp, 36.91 UK Pound
2. Williams, Norman S.; Bulstrode, Christopher J. K.; O'connell, P. Ronan
Bailey and Love's Short Practice of Surgery
Oxford University Press, 2008
1513pp, 30 UK pound
3. Cunningham, Daniel John; Romanes, George J.
Cunningham's Manual of Practical Anatomy (Oxford Medical
Oxford University Press, 2002
1090pp, 8481 INR
4. Park, J. E.
Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine
Banarsidas Bhanot, 2009 (20th ed)
715pp, 584 INR
5. Satoskar, R. S.; Bhandarkar, S. D.; Ainapure, S. S.
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2005
1138pp, 595 INR
6. Subrahmanyam, B.
Modi's Medical Jurisprudence and Toxicology
Butterworths India, 1999
587 pp, 798 INR
X. Philosophy
1. Irving M., Copi
Symbolic Logic
PHI Learning, 2009
411pp, 7053 INR
2. Hiriyanna, M.
Outlines of Indian Philosophy
Motilal Banarsidass, 2009
420pp, 12.50 UK pound
XI. Physics
1. Feynman, Richard P.; Leighton, Robert B,; Sands, Matthew
The Feynman Lectures on Physics (3 Volumes)
Pearson India, 2006
1552pp, 325 INR
2. Halliday, David, Resnick, Robert, Walker, Jearl
Fundamentals of Physics
Wiley India, 2008
1300pp, 549 INR
XII. Political Science
1. Austin, Granville
The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation (Oxford
India paperbacks)
Oxford University Press, 1999
390pp, 345 INR
2. Laski, Harold J
A Grammar of Politics
Surjeet Publication, 2004
672pp, 250 INR
3. Sabine, G. H.
A History of Political Theory
Surjeet Publication, 2007
948pp, 250 INR
XIII. Psychology
1. Carson, Robert C.; Butcher, James Neal; Mineka, Susan
Abnormal Psychology and Modern Life
Allyn & Bacon (Pearson Education India), 2000
718pp, 17.61 UK Pound
2. Garrett, Bob L.
Brain and Behavior
Wadsworth Publishing, 2003
480pp, 4573 INR
3. Berk, Laura E.
Child Development
Allyn & Bacon (Pearson Education India), 2002
648pp, 7426 INR
4. Anastasi
Psychological Testing
Dorling Kindersley India, 2006
721pp, 295 INR
5. Hall, Calvin S.; Lindzey, Gardner; Campbell, John B.
Theories of Personality
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, 2007
768pp, 449 INR
XIV. Sociology
1. Coser, Lewis A.
Masters of Sociological Thought: Ideas in Historical and
Social Context
Rawat Publication, 2008
611pp, 350 INR
2. Gisbert, P. S. J.
Fundamentals of Sociology
Orient Longman, 2006
510pp, 220 INR
3. Giddens, A.
Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2009
1094pp, 895 INR
XV. Zoology
Cooper, Geoffrey M.
The Cell: A Molecular Approach
Asm Press & Sinauer Associates, 2009 (5th ed)
689pp, 4711
2. Jordan, EL and Verma, P. S.
Invertebrate Zoology
S Chand & Co. Ltd., 2001 (new ed)
848pp, 500 INR
3. Karp, Gerald
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments
Wiley India, 2009
765pp, 7679 INR
4. Iyyer, Ekamaranatha and T.N. Ananthakrishnan
A Manual of Zoology(Volumes I and II)
S.Viswanathan (Printers & Publishers) Pvt. Ltd., 2000
I. Anthropology
Book 1 
Radcliffe-Brown, A R
Structure and Function in Primitive Society
Free Press, 2003 (First published 1952), 219pp, $ 19.95,
ISBN: 9780029256206
Recommended by 13 experts
NTM Database status: 17
Please note: This is an inter-disciplinary book which
is prescribed in Sociology also.
Book 7
Majumdar D N., Madan T N
An Introduction to Social Anthropology
Mayur Publication, 2010, (First published 1960) 313pp,
Rs. 150, ISBN: 817198147X, 13-9788171981472
Recommended by 07 experts
NTM Database status: 12
Please note: This is an inter-disciplinary book which is prescribed in
Sociology also.
Book 2 
Beattie John
Other Cultures
Free Press, 1968 3rd Edn., (First published 1964), 296pp,
$ 19.50, ISBN: 10: 0029020506, 13: 978-0029020500
Recommended by 10 experts
NTM Database status: 18
Book 8 
Ghurye, G S
The Scheduled Tribes
Popular Prakashan, 1995 (First published 1963), 404pp,
Rs. 350, ISBN: 13-9788171546619, 978-8171546619
Recommended by 07 experts
NTM Database status: 10
Book 3 
Srinivas M N
Caste in Modern India and Other Essays
Asia Publishing House, 1962, 171pp, ISBN: 10:0043948751, 13:9780043948751
Recommended by 08 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Please note: This is an inter-disciplinary book which is prescribed in
Sociology also.
Book 9 
Kroeber A L
Anthropology Today
The University of Chicago Press, 1970 (First published 1953), 958pp, Rs. 487
Recommended by 07 experts
NTM Database status: 16
Book 4 
N K Bose
Tribal Life of India
National Book Trust, 2002 (First published in 1971), 91pp, Rs. 45,
ISBN: 10:8123736819, 13:9788123736815
Recommended by 08 experts
NTM Database status: 15
Book 10 
Varrier Elwin
A New Deal for Tribal India
Ministry of Home Affairs, 1963 (First published 1961), 54pp
Recommended by 05 experts
NTM Database status: 07
Book 5 
Goode, William J, Hatt Paul K
Methods in Social Research
Tata McGraw Hill, 1952 (Digitised in June, 2006), 380pp, Rs. 1780, ISBN: 10:007085260X,
Recommended by 08 experts
NTM Database status: 19
Please note: This is an inter-disciplinary book which is prescribed in
Sociology also.
Book 11 
Das B M
Outlines of Physical Anthropology
Kitab Mahal, 1980, 216pp, ISBN: 10: 0861866371,
13: 978-0861866373
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 17
Book 6 
Strauss, Claude-Levi
Structural Anthropology
University of Chicago Press, 1983, (First published 1978), 500pp, $27.58, ISBN:
0226474917, 9780226474915
Recommended by 08 experts
NTM Database status: 12
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Rajni Palriwala, Professor of Sociology, University
of Delhi
Prof. Satish Deshpande, Professor of Sociology, Delhi
School of Economics, Delhi
Dr. A. Chella Perumal, Head, Dept. of Anthropology,
Pondicherry University, Puducherry
Prof. T. B. Subba, Professor and Head, Dept. of Anthropology,
North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Prof. S. L. Malik, Professor and Head, Dept. of Anthropology,
University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. M C Arunkumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology,
Manipur University, Imphal
Dr. Bela Kothari, Professor of Anthropology, Rajasthan
University, Jaipur
Prof. Nadeem Hasnain, Head, Dept. of Anthropology,
University of Lucknow, UP
Dr. Anjali Kurane, Head and Reader, Dept. of Anthropology,
University of Pune, Maharashtra
Dr P. P. Pavate, Associate Professor, Dept. of Anthropology,
Karnataka University, Dharwad, Karnataka
Dr. M. P. Damodaran, Assistant Professor, Dept. of
Anthropology, University of Madras, Chennai
Dr. S.C. Jai Prabhakar, Asst. Prof., CMDR, an ICSSR
institute, Dharwad
Dr. Vinay Kumar Srivatsav, Principal, Hindu College,
Prof. Roma Chatterji, Professor of Sociology, University
of Delhi.
II. Botany
Book 1 
Gardener E.J., Snusted D.P., Simmons M.J.
Principles of Genetics
John Willey and Sons, 1996, 1984, 1991, 1996
Recommended by 3 experts
NTM Database Status: 33 times
Book 2 
Bhatnagar, S. P., Moitra. A
New Age International, 2006 (First Publication 1996), 480pp, Rs. 250.00, ISBN: 8122407927,
Recommended by 3 experts
NTM Database Status: 23 times
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Bijay Kumar, Chairman, CSTT, New Delhi
Prof. K.A. Raveesha, Department of Botany, University
of Mysore, Mysore
Prof. Uma Jaiswal, Head, Department of Botany, Mahila
Mahavidyalaya, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
III. Civil Engineering
Book 1 
S K Khanna, C. E. G. Justo, S. P. Bindra
Highway Engineering
Nem Chand and Brothers, 2011 9th Edn (First Published 1991), 592pp, Rs. 225, ISBN:
8185240639, 13: 9788185240633, 978-8185240633
Recommended by 05 experts
NTM Database status: 38
Book 4 
M S Shetty, M. L. Gambhir, N. Krishna Raju
Concrete Technology
S. Chand and Company, 2009 (First Published 2005), 656pp, Rs. 425, ISBN: 13: 9788121900034,
Recommended by 02 experts
NTM Database status: 19
Book 2 
B C Punmia, K. R. Arora, V. N. S. Murthy
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Lakshmi Publications Co., 2005 (First Published 1994), 916pp,
Rs. 465, ISBN: 8170080819, 13: 9788170080817
Recommended by 05 experts
NTM Database status: 28
Book 5
R W Clough, Joseph E Penzien
Dynamics of Structures
McGraw Hill Education, 1993, 2nd Edn. (First Published 1975), 768pp, Rs. 971, ISBN:
0071132414, 13:9780071132411
Recommended by 02 experts
NTM Database status: 18
Book 3 
C S Reddy
Basic Structural Analysis
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 2010 3rd Edn.
(First Published 2001), 800pp, Rs. 415 ISBN: 13: 9780070702769, 978-0070702769
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 14
Book 6 
P N Modi, S M Seth
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
Standard Book House, 2002, 15th Edn., 1270pp, Rs. 440,
ISBN: 13: 9788190089371, 978-8190089371
Recommended by 03 experts
NTM Database status: 8
Please note: This is an inter-disciplinary book which is prescribed in
Mechanical Engineering also.
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. G S Suresh, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg., National
Institute of Engineering, Mysore
Dr. Syed Shakeeb Ur Rahman, Professor, Dept. of Civil
Engg., SJ College of Engineering, Mysore
Dr. Manohar C S, Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Civil
Engg., Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Dr. Ashok K. Jain, Professor & Head, Dept. of Civil
Engg., Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Uttaranchal
Dr. A Vasan, Professor and Head, Dept. of Civil Engg.,
BITS, Pilani-Hyderabad Campus, AP
Prof. K. Ramamoorthy, Professor, Dept. of Civil Engg.,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, TN
IV. Commerce
Book 1 
Pandey I M
Financial Management
Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
2009 (First Published 1978), 806pp, Rs. 575,
ISBN: 812591658X, 9788125916581
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 53
Book 5 
Fred Luthans
Organizational Behaviour
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2006, 592pp,
ISBN: 0073404950, 9780073404950
Recommended by 03 experts
NTM Database status: 39
Book 2 
Philip Kotler
Marketing Management
Prentice Hall, 2008 13th Edn.
(First Published 2002), 816pp, Rs. 699
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 47
Book 6 
Prasanna Chandra
Financial Management
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 2007, Rs. 575,
ISBN: 9780070656659
Recommended by 02 experts
NTM Database status: 37
Book 3 
Francis Cherunilam
Business Environment
Himalaya Publishing House, 2001, 774pp,
Rs. 425, ISBN: 978-93-5024-797-6
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 27
Book 7
Gupta C B, Srinivasan N P
Entrepreneurial Development
Sultan Chand and Company Ltd., 2000
Recommended by 02 experts
NTM Database status: 19
Book 4
Jain S P, Narang K L
Cost Accounting
Kalyani Publishers, 2008,
Rs. 450, ISBN: 8127243852
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 17
Book 8
Mishra, M N
Insurance Principles and Practice
Sultan Chand and Company Ltd., 2008,
ISBN: 8121910218, 9788121910217
Recommended by 01 experts
NTM Database status: 33
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. R. C. Parida, Associate Professor & Head, Department
of Commerce, Rajiv Gandhi University
Dr. Neetu Andotra, Professor, Post Graduate Department
of Commerce, Faculty of Business Studies, University of Jammu, J&K
Dr. Ramachandra Gowda, Professor, Department of Commerce,
Bangalore University, Central College Campus, Bangalore
Dr. S. Guruswamy, Professor and Head, Department of
Commerce, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamilnadu
V. Computer Science
Book 1 
Mano, M Morris
Digital Logic and Computer Design
Prentice Hall College Div (April 1979) 612pp,
$50.00, ISBN-10:0132145103, 9780132145107
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database Status: 43 times
Book 4 
Tremblay, J.P and R, Manohar
Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer
Mcgraw-Hill (Tx), 1975, Hardcover, Pg No. 600 pages,
ISBN-10: 0070651426, ISBN-13: 978-0070651425
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database Status: 29 times
Book 2 
John E. Hopcroft, Rajeev Motwani and Jeffrey D. Ullman
Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages and Computation
Addison Wesley, 2000 2nd Edn. 521pp,
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database Status: 41 times
Book 5 
Pressman, Roger S
Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach
McGrawHill International, 928pp, ISBN-10: 0073375977, 13: 978-0073375977
Book 3
Stallings, W.
Computer Organization & Architecture
Prentice Hall; 6th Edition, 2002, Hardcover,
750 pages ISBN-10: 0130351199
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database Status: 28 times
Book 6 
Horowitz, E. and Sahani, S.
Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms
Galgotia Publication Limited, (First Published 1978) 2007, 626pp, ISBN: 3540120351
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. Kavi Narayana Murthy, Professor, Dept. of Comp.
& Info. Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad.
Prof. Hemant Darbari, Executive Director, C-DAC, Pune
Dr. S. Guru, Assoc. Professor, Dept of Computer Science,
University of Mysore, Manasagangotri, Mysore.
Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya, Dept. of Comp. Science
and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai
VI. Economics
Book 1 
Dobb, Maurice
Theories of Value and Distribution
since Adam Smith: Ideology and Economic Theory
Cambridge University Press, 304pp, $52.20,
ISBN: 0521099366
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 05 times
Book 4
Dutt, Ruddar and Sundaran, K P M
Indian Economy
S Chand and Company Ltd, 2007, Paperback, 996 pp,
ISBN-10: 8121902983
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 86 times
Book 2 
Sweezy, Paul
Theory of Capitalistic Development: Principles of Marxian
Political Economy
Modern Reader Paperbacks, 400pp, $17.82,
ISBN-10: 085345079X
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 05 times
Book 5 
Salvatore, Dominick
International Economics
Wiley; 8th edition (May 5, 2003), Hardcover, 864 pages,
ISBN-10: 0471230707
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 29 times
Book 3 
Gujarati., N Damodar
Basic Econometrics
Tata McGraw Hill, 2004, Unknown Binding,
1032 pages, ISBN-10: 0070597936
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 48 times
Book 6 
Samuelson, Paul, Nordhaus, William
McGraw-Hill/Irwin; 18th edition (July 27, 2004), Hardcover, 800 pages, ISBN-10:
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 71 times
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Jayati Ghosh, Centre for Economic Studies and
Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Prof. T. R. Chandrasekhar, Dean, Faculty of Social
Science, Department of Development Studies,Kannada University, Hampi
Prof. Shiva Reddy, Prof. and Head, Department of Economics,
Osmania University, Hyderabad
Prof. T. C. A Anant, Department of Economics, Delhi
School of Economics, University of Delhi, New Delhi
Prof. K. E. Sriramappa, Chairman, Department of Economics
and Cooperation, Postgraduate Studies, University of Mysore, Mysore
VII. Education
Book 1 
Henry Edward Garrett
Statistics in Psychology and Education
Greenwood Publication Group Inc., 2009
(First Published 1947), 491pp, Rs. 6721.75,
ISBN: IJ-97803132365321
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 59
Book 6 
Rao V K R V
Education and Human Resource Development
Oxford University Press, 2009 (First Published 1966), 178pp, Rs. 195,
ISBN: 198062796
Recommended by 3 experts
NTM Database status: 10
Book 2 
Jerome S. Bruner
Towards a Theory of Instruction
Harvard University Press, 1974 (First Published 1966), 192pp, Rs. 1331, ISBN: 0674897013
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 10
Book 7 
Nurullah, Syed, Naik J P
A Student History of Education
Macmillan and Co. Ltd., 2000 , 512pp, Rs.410, ISBN: 9.78033E+12
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 13
Book 3
Joy Paul Guilford, Fruchter Benjemin
Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing and Co., 1978
(First Published 1950), 545pp, Rs. 3,516, ISBN: 0070251509
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 41
Book 8 
Mohanty J
Indian Education in the Emerging Society
Sterling Publication, 1992 (First Published 1982), 215pp, Rs. 350
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 12
Book 4
John Seiler Brubacher
Modern Philosophies of Education
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing and Co., 1968 (First Published 1939), 393pp, Rs. 1,301,
ISBN: 70085390
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 35
Book 9 
Passi B K
Becoming Better Teacher
Sahitya Mudranalaya, 2009
(First Published 1976), 351pp
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 10
Book 5 
Dewey John
Democracy and Education
Merchant Books, 2009 (First Published 1938), 396pp, Rs. 440, ISBN: 1603862021
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 17
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Sadhna Saxena, Professor, Department of Education,
University of Delhi, Delhi
Prof. Rama Kant Agnihotri, Vidya Bhawan Education
Resource Centre, Fatehpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan
Shri. Kamal Mahendroo, Vidya Bhawan Education Resource
Centre, Fatehpura, UDAIPUR, Rajasthan
Dr. Hriday Kant Dewan, Director, Vidya Bhawan Education
Resource Centre, Fatehpura, UDAIPUR, Rajasthan
Dr. Premalata Sharma, Principal, Regional Institute
of Education (National Council of Educational Research and Training), Mysore
Dr. R. S. Patel, Professor & Head, Department of Education,
Gujarat University, Gujarat
Dr. Netranand Pradhan, Professor and Head, Department
of Education, MS University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujarat
Dr. Bana Bihari Mishra, Professor, Department of Education,
Mizoram University, Mizoram
Dr. R. Ananthasayanam, Professor, Department of Education
Technology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
VIII. Geography
Book 1 
Alexander John w., Hartshorne Truman A
Economic Geography
Prentice Hall of India, 2004 3rd Edn. (First Published 1987). 400pp, Rs.325, ISBN:
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 43
Book 5 
Singh R L
Elements of Practical Geography
Kalyani Publishers, 2011 Reprint (First Published 1992), Rs. 225,
ISBN: 812724399X, 13: 9788127243999, 978-8127243999
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 60
Book 2 
Chandna, R C
A Geography of Population: Concept Determinants and Patterns
Kalyani Publishers, 2010 9th Edn. (First Published 1986).
331pp, Rs. 340, ISBN-8170965918, 9788170965916
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 11
Book 6 
Misra R P, Ramesh A
Fundamentals of Cartography
Concept Publishing House, 1989, 2nd Edn., 535pp, Rs. 400,
ISBN: 8170222222, 13: 9788170222224, 978-8170222224
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 53
Book 3 
Monkhouse F J, Wilkinson H R
Maps and Diagram
Methuen and Company, 1976 (First Published 1966), 527pp,
ISBN 10: 0416682502 / 0-416-68250-2, 13: 9780416682502
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 48
Book 7 
Husain Majid
Human Geography
Rawat Publication, 2011 (First Published 2006), 582pp, Rs. 850,
ISBN 978-81-316-0458-8
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 19
Book 4 
Harvey David
Explanation in Geography
Rawat Publication, New Delhi, 2007 (First Published 1969), 542pp, Rs. 795,
ISBN: 8170337852
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 12
Book 8 
Husain Majid
Evolution of Geographical Thought
Rawat Publication, 2011 (First Published 1995), 519pp, Rs. 650,
ISBN: 8170339030
Recommended by 1 experts
NTM Database status: 20
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. Malasree Dasgupta, Flat 1, Kaberi, Kolkata
Prof. N. Deva Singh, Professor, Department of Geography,
Manipur University, Imphal
Dr. D. K. Nayak, Professor, Department of Geography,
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Dr. K. M. Kulkarni, Professor & HoD, Department of
Geography, Gujarat University, Gujarat
Dr. Rintluanga Pachuau, Head, Associate Professor,
Department of Resource and Geography Management, Mizoram University, Mizoram
VIII. History
Book 1 
Desai A.R.
Social Background of Indian Nationalism
Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., 2009
(First Published 1948), 437pp, Rs.250,
ISBN: ISBN 8171546676
Recommended by 7 experts
NTM Database status: 47
Book 5 
Basham A. L.
The Wonder that was India
ACLS History E-Book Project, 2008, 696pp, ISBN: 159740599X
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 36
Book 2 
Sarkar Sumit
Modern India 1885 -1947
Macmillan Publishers India, 2003
(First Published 1989), 504pp, Rs.295,
ISBN: 0333904257
Recommended by 7 experts
NTM Database status: 26
Book 6 
Carr E. H.
What is History?
Palgrave, 2002, 240pp, Rs.841, ISBN: 0333977017
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 25
Book 3 
Habib Irfan
The Agrarian System of Mughal India
Oxford University Press, 2000 3rd Edn, 547pp, Rs.499,
ISBN: 0195623290
Recommended by 7 experts
NTM Database status: 15
Book 7 
Bipan Chandra, Aditya Mukherjee, Mridula Mukherjee
India after Independence
South Asia Books, 2000, 520pp, Rs.595, 0670882690, 13:9780670882694
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Book 4 
Nilakanta Sastri K. A.
History of South India
Oxford University Press, 1976 4th Edn., 534pp
Recommended by 6 experts
NTM Database status: 21
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana B. Shah, Professor, Department of
History, University School of Social Science, Gujarat University, Gujarat
Dr. M. Rajivlochan, Professor, Department of History,
Panjab University, Chandigarh, U.T.
Dr. Banabina Brahma, Assistant Prof. of History, Kokrajhar
Government College, Assam
Dr. N.S Bhat, Associate Professor, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Department of History, Goa University, Goa
Dr. Manorama Sharma, Professor and Head, Department
of History, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong
Dr. N. Alagappan, Professor & Head, Department of
History, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Suchandra Ghosh, Head, Department of History,
University of Calcutta, Kolkatta
Prof. Sebastain Joseph, Department of History, University
of Mysore, Mysore
Prof. Kunal Chattopadhyay, Department of History,
Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Book 1 
Ratanlal, Dhirajlal
Indian Penal Code
Lexis Nexis Butter Worths, 2010 33rd Edn,
(First Published 1896), Rs.450, ISBN: 8180383792
Recommended by 05 experts
NTM Database status: 07
Book 4 
Asaf Fyzee, Tahir Mahmood
Outlines of Mohammedan Law
Oxford University Press, 2009, 429pp, Rs. 445,
ISBN: 0198063601
Recommended by 02 experts
NTM Database status: 09
Book 2 
Diwan Paras
Hindu Law
Orient Publishing Company, 2007, Rs. 1,050
Recommended by 03 experts
NTM Database status: 07
Book 5 
Narayanan P
Intellectual Property Law
Eastern Law House, 2008 (First Published 1990), 664pp,
Rs. 350, ISBN: 10: 8171771815
Recommended by 01 experts
NTM Database status: 10
Book 3 
Massey I P
Administrative Law
Eastern Book Co, 2008 (First Published 1995), 764pp, Rs. 350, ISBN: 8170121426
Recommended by 02 experts
NTM Database status: 13
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. T. Ramakrishna, Professor of Law, National Law
School of India University, Bangalore
Dr. Nishtha Jaswal, Professor & Chairperson, Department
of Law, Panjab University, Chandigarh, U.T.
Dr. G. P. Verma, Head and Dean, Law School, Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, UP
Dr. T. S. N. Sastry, Professor & Head, Department
of Law, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. K. R. Aithal, Professor & Chairman, Department
of Studies in Law, Karnatak University, Dharwad
Dr. Shiv Datt Sharma, Professor & Head, Department
of Law, Assam University, Silchar, Assam
Justice N.N. Mathur, Vice Chancellor, National Law
University, Jodhapur, Rajasthan
Prof. Eshwar Bhat, Department of Law, University of
Prof. S.N Singh, Head, University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Nagendra Murthy, Department of Law, JSS Law College,
Prof. C. Basavaraju, Department of Law, University
of Mysore
VIII. Mathematics
Book 1 
T. M. Apostol
Mathematical Analysis
Addison Wesley, 2002 2nd Edn. (First Published 1957), 519pp, Rs.295, ISBN: 818501566X
Recommended by 11 experts
NTM Database status: 49
Book 4 
B V Limaye
Outlines of Mohammedan Law
Oxford University Press, 2009, 429pp, Rs. 445,
ISBN: 0198063601
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 37
Book 2 
Lars V Ahlfors
Functional Analysis
Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1996 2nd Revised Edn.
(First Published 1981), 624pp, Rs.200, ISBN: 8122408494
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 40
Book 5 
Shanti Narayan
Differential Calculus
S. Chand and Company Ltd., 2005 8th Revised
Edn. (First Published 1958), 416pp, Rs.200, ISBN: 8121925134
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 20
Book 3 
David M .Burton
Elementary Number Theory
Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd., 2011 7th Edn.
(First Published 1969), 448pp, Rs.399, ISBN: 0070616078
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 20
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. Arindama Singh, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
IIT Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Dr. D. S. Chauhan, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Rajasthan
Dr. S. Kumaresan, Professor, Department of Mathematics
and Statistics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Dr. Ranjan K. Mohanty, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Subenoy Chakroborty, Professor, Department of
Mathematics, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkata, W.B.
Dr. K. Balachandran, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
Dr. R.K. Nagaich, Professor, Department of Mathematics,
Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab
Dr. A. R. Aithal, Professor and Head, Department of
Mathematics, University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Dr. G. Suresh Singh, Reader, Department of Mathematics,
University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram
Dr. Chandrashekara Adiga, Departments of Mathematics,
University Mysore, Mysore
Dr. Nayandeep Deka Baruah, Professor, Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Tezpur University, Assam
Prof. Gopal Krishna Panda, Department of Mathematics,
National Institute of Technology Rourkee, Rourkela, ORISSA
Prof. Rajat Tondon, Head, University of Hyderabad,AP
Prof. M.N. Mukherjee, Head, University of Calcutta,
Prof. R.C. Chakravarti, Head, Cochin University of
Technology, Kochi
VIII. Mechanical Engineerig
Book 1 
N. D. Bhat
Machine Drawing
Charotar Publishing House, 2010, VL + 45pp, Rs. 110.00
Recommended by 09 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Book 4 
C. P. Arora
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 200817th Reprint, 980pp, Rs.465, ISBN: 0070083908
Recommended by 03 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Book 2 
Thomas Bevan
Theory of Machine
CBS Publishers, 2004 3rd Edn (First Published 1956), 621pp,
Rs. 250.00, ISBN: 8123908741
Recommended by 09 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Book 5 
P. K. Nag
Engineering Thermodynamics
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, 2008
(First Published 1981), 840pp, Rs.395,
ISBN: 0070260621
Recommended by 03 experts
NTM Database status: 8
Book 3 
P. N. Modi, S. M. Seth
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
Standard Book House, 2011 17th Revised and enlarged Edn., 1405pp, Rs. 440, ISBN:
Recommended by 05 experts
NTM Database status: 6
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. Avinash Kumar Agarwal, Associate Professor, Dept.
of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Kanpur, Nankari Kanpur, UP
Dr. J. I. Nanavati, PProfessor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara
Dr. Anil Dattatraya Sahasrabudhe, Professor, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. Mani Sankar Dasgupta, Professor, Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, Rajasthan
Dr. K. Sankaranarayanasamy, Professor, Department
Of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tamil Nadu
Dr. N. Krishnamohan, Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Annamalai University, Tamil
Dr. P.D.Solanki, Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad
Dr. Jolly Abraham, Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, St. Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai.
Dr. A.N. Hari Rao, Department of Mechanical Engg.,
SJCE, Mysore
Prof. Bharat Chandra Routra, Department of Mechanical
Engg., Kalinga IT, Bhubaneshwar
Dr. A.M.K Prasad, Head, Department of Mechanical Engg.,
OUE, Hyderabad
VIII. Philosophy
Book 1 
Dhirendra Mohan Datta
The Six Ways of Knowing: A critical study of the Vedanta
theory of knowledge
University of Calcutta, 1960 (First Published 1932), 360pp
Recommended by 13 experts
NTM Database status: 23
Book 4 
Lal B K
Contemporary Indian Philosophy
Motilal Banarsidass, 2010 (First Published 1973), 367pp, ISBN: 8120802608
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 15
Book 2 
Radhakrishnan S
Indian Philosophy Vol. 1
OUP India, 2008 (First Published 1923), 650pp, Rs 495, ISBN: 019569841X
Recommended by 10 experts
NTM Database status: 18
Book 5 
William Lillie
An Introduction to Ethics
Methuan & Co, 1971 3rd Edn. (First Published 1948), 342pp, ISBN : B000MHYP9S
Recommended by 7 experts
NTM Database status: 15
Book 3 
Ayer A J
Language, Truth and Logic
Penguin Books Ltd, 2001 (First Published 1936), 240pp, ISBN : 0141911808
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 19
Book 6 
Gandhi M K
Hind Swaraj
Navajivan Trust, 2010, 299pp, Rs 300, ISBN: 8172294042
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 6
Experts who have recommended the books:
Dr. Nirmalangshu Mukherji, Professor, Department of
Philosophy, Delhi University, Delhi
Dr. Mercy Helen, Indian Council of Philosophical Research,
New Delhi
Dr. Indrani Sanyal, Professor, Faculty of Arts, Department
of Philosophy, Jadavpur University, Jadavpur, Kolkotta
Dr. V.N. Sheshagiri Rao, Professor & Chairman, Department
of Philosophy, University of Mysore, Mysore
Dr. Sauravpran Goswami, Head, Department of Philosophy,
Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam
Dr. Sushit Kumar Sarkar, Professor, Tripura University,
Department of Philosophy, TRIPURA
Dr. D. N. Tiwari, Professor and Head, Department of
Philosophy & Religion, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP
Dr. S. Pannerselvam, Professor & Head, Department
of Philosophy, University of Madras, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Subashini Ramaswami Gandhi, Professor & Head,
Department of Philosophy, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu
Prof. Prabal Kumar Sen, Professor, Department of Philosophy,
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, WB
Dr. Goutam Biswas,Professor, Department of Philosophy,
Assam University, Silchar, Assam
Dr. M Daniel, Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy,
University of Mysore.
Dr. Raghuram Raju,Professor, Department of Philosophy,
Hyderabad University, AP
Dr. Satyapal Gautam,Professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
Prof. Kamalakar Mishra,Professor, Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi, UP
VIII. Physics
Book 1 
Goldstein, H., Poole Charles P., Jr., John L. Safko
Classical Mechanics
Addison Wesley Longman, 2001, 680pp,
ISBN: 0201657023
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 71 times
Book 4 
Khandelwal D P
Optics and Atomic Physics
Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 (First Published 1988),
Rs.210.00, ISBN-13: 9788183189835
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 17 times
Book 2 
Kittel, C
Introduction to Solid State Physics
Wiley, 2004, 8th Edn., 704pp, $125.00,
ISBN: 047141526X
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 94 times
Book 5 
Bejnamin Crowell
Newtonian Physics Introduction to Electrodynamics
Fullerton, California, 2005 Revised Edn., ISBN: 09704670-1-X
Please Note: This book has been specially chosen for
Machine Translation experiment by MT experts. The
e-version of Newtonian Physics will be produced in Hindi.
This is an open source book-
Book 3 
Griffiths, D.J.
Introduction to Electrodynamics
Benjamin Cummings, 1999, 576pp, $107.00, ISBN: 013805326X
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 56 times
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Satish Chand Abbi, Indian Institute Technology,
Prof. Rupamanjari Ghosh, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
New Delhi
Prof. A K Jain, Indian Institute Technology, Roorkee
Prof. A. Pradhan, , Indian Institute Technology, Kanpur
VIII. Political Science
Book 1 
Robert A Dahl
Modern Political Analysis
Prentice Hall, 2003 (First Published 1963), 184pp, Rs. 75.00,
ISBN: 8129702177
Recommended by 7 experts
NTM Database status: 15
Book 6 
Paul R Brass
Politics of India since Independence
Cambridge University Press, 2004 (First Published 1990), 423pp, Rs. 295, ISBN: 0521543053
Recommended by 05 experts
NTM Database status: 7
Book 2 
Gopal Jayal Niraja
Democracy in India
Oxford University Press, 2009, 598pp, Rs. 425.00,
ISBN: 0195691571
Recommended by 6 experts
NTM Database status: 12s
Book 7 
Partha Chatterjee
State and Politics in India
Oxford University Press, 1998, 588pp, Rs. 355,
ISBN : 0195647653
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 15
Book 3 
John Rawls
A Theory of Justice
Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd, 2011
(First Published 1971), 622pp, Rs. 525, ISBN: 8175341750
Recommended by 06 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Book 8 
Zoya Hasan
Politics and the State in India, Vol. 3
Sage Publications, 2000 (1st Edn.,), 384pp, Rs. 495, ISBN: 0761993991
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 08
Book 4 
Rajni Kothari
Politics in India
Orient Longman Pvt, 1982 (First Published 1970), Rs. 285, ISBN: 0812500072
Recommended by 06 experts
NTM Database status: 40
Book 9 
Bhikhu C. Parekh
Contemporary Political Thinkers
Wiley Blackwell, 1982, 232pp, Rs. 585,
ISBN: 0855203366
Recommended by 04 experts
NTM Database status: 07
Book 5 
Hans J. Morgenthau
Politics among Nations - A Struggle for Power and Peace
Kalyani Publisher, 2007 (First Published 1973), 231pp, Rs. 225, ISBN: 8170964679
Recommended by 06 experts
NTM Database status: 17
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Javeed Alam, Chairman, ICSSR, MHRD, New Delhi
Prof. Abhay Kumar Dubey, CSDS, Mumbai
Dr. Pradip Kumar Datta, Professor, Department of Political
Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Suhas Palshikar, Professor, Department of Politics
& Public Administration, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. M. Arif Hameed, Professor, Department of Political
Science, Aligarh Muslim University, UP
Dr. Jose GeorgeProfessor, Department of Civics & Politics,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Dr. S. Bhaskaran, Professor, Department of Political
Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Narender Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Political
Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. Bihar
Dr. Anjali GhoshProfessor, Deptartment of International
Relations, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
1Dr. RamachandrappaChairman, Department of Political
Science, University of Mysore
VIII. Public Administration
Book 1 
Maheswari Shriram
Indian Administration
Orient Blackswan, 2008, 666pp, Rs 375,
ISBN : 812501988X
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 11
Book 4 
D Ravindra Prasad, V S Prasad, P Satyanarayana and Y. Pardhasaradhi
Administrative Thinkers
Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2010, 286pp, Rs 275,
ISBN : 812075414X
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 7
Book 2 
Peter M Blau
Bureaucracy in Modern Society
Tata McGraw Hill, 1987 (First Published 1968), 240pp,
Rs 1969, ISBN : 0075550334
Recommended by 4 experts
NTM Database status: 6
Book 5 
H Mander, M Asif
Good Governance
Books for Change, 2004, 232pp, Rs 175
Recommended by 2 experts
NTM Database status: 3
Book 3 
Kuldeep Mathur
Development Policy and Administration
Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd., 1998, 308pp, Rs 425,
ISBN : 0803993412
Recommended by 3 experts
NTM Database status: 3
Book 6 
Principles and Practice of Public Enterprise Management
S Chand and Co. Ltd., 1986
Recommended by 1 experts
NTM Database status: 4
Experts who have recommended the books:
Mr. H.P. Shivashankar, Senior faculty (Pub. Admn.)
Administrative Training Institute, Mysore
Dr. Ramanjit Kaur Johal, Associate professor, Department
of Public Administration, Panjab University, Chandigarh, U.T.
Dr. Pradip Kumar Datta, Professor, Department of Political
Science, University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Suhas Palshikar, Professor, Department of Politics
& Public Administration, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra
Dr. M. Arif Hameed, Professor, Department of Political
Science, Aligarh Muslim University, UP
Dr. Jose GeorgeProfessor, Department of Civics & Politics,
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
Dr. S. Bhaskaran, Professor, Department of Political
Science & Public Administration, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Narender Kumar, Professor, Dept. of Political
Science, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow. Bihar
Dr. Anjali GhoshProfessor, Deptartment of International
Relations, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
1Dr. RamachandrappaChairman, Department of Political
Science, University of Mysore
VIII. Sociology
Book 1 
Srinivas, M N
Social Change in Modern India
Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd, 2000 (First Published 1966), 200pp, ISBN: 10:812500422X
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 43
Book 4 
S C Dube
Indian Society
National Book Trust, 2005 (First Published 1990), 147pp,
Rs. 45
Recommended by 5 experts
NTM Database status: 11
Book 2 
Irawati K Karve
Hindu Society - An Interpretation
Deshmukh Prakashan, Deccan College, 1968
(First Published 1961), 180pp
Recommended by 8 experts
NTM Database status: 9
Book 5 
Eugene V Schneider
Industrial Sociology - The Social Relations of Industry
and Community
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., 1969 2nd Edn. 637pp
Recommended by 3 experts
NTM Database status: 17
Book 3 
Yogendra Singh
Modernization of Indian Tradition - A Systemic Study of
Social Change
Thompson Learning Asia Ltd, 1973, 267pp, Rs 195
Recommended by 6 experts
NTM Database status: 37
Book 6 
Andre Beteille
Caste, Class and Power - Changing Patterns of Stratification
in a Tanjore Village
University of California Press, 1965, 238pp, Rs. 335,
ISBN: 10: 0520020537
Recommended by 3 experts
NTM Database status: 16
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Rajni Palriwala, Professor, Department of Sociology,
University of Delhi, Delhi
Dr. Surinder Singh Jodhka, Professor, Centre for the
Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Dr. R. Indira, Professor of Sociology and Director,
International Center, Department of Sociology, University of Mysore, Manasagangotri,
Dr. Shobha Nair, Professor, Faculty of Social Science,
Department of Sociology, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
Dr. Kamala Ganesh, Professor and Head, Department
of Sociology, University of Mumbai, MUMBAI
Dr. Ganesha Somayaji, Professor, Faculty of Social
Sciences, Department of Sociology, Goa University, Goa
Dr. D. Selvaraju, Professor and Head, Department of
Sociology, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu
Dr. Swati Shirwadkar, Professor & Head, Department
of Sociology, University of Pune, Pune, Maharashtra
Prof. Gururaj BidekarChairman, Dept. of Sociology,
University of Mysore
Dr. Rambabu, Professor of Sociology, Tata Institute
of Social Science, Mumbai
Dr. Bibhuti Bhushan Malik, Professor of Sociology,
BR Ambedkar University, Luknow
VIII. Zoology
Book 1 
Stryer, Lubert and Cox
W.H. Freeman Co., 1995, 1064pp, ISBN: 071673687X
Recommended by 4 experts>
NTM Database status: 86 times
Experts who have recommended the books:
Prof. Oommen V. Oommen, Prof. & Head Department of
Zoology, Kariavattom Campus, University of Kerala, Trivandrum
Prof. P. Prakash Babu, Department of Biotechnology,
School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Dr. R. Ramalingam, Prof. & Head (Retd.), Department
of Zoology, Annamalai University, Annamalainagar
Prof. Mathew M. Oommen, Professor, Department of Zoology,
Kariavattom Campus, University of Kerala, Trivandrum
Licenses Procured
A. NTM has acquired translation license for the following knowledge text titles.
I. Tata McGraw-Hill
1. Banwell, Colin N; Mccash, Elaine M
Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy
2. Rudin, Walter
Principles of Mathematical Analysis
3. Holman J P
Heat Transfer
4. Shigley, Joseph E
Mechanical Engineering Design
II. Oxford University Press, India
5. Austin, Granville
The Indian Constitution: Cornerstone of a Nation
III. Kavyalaya Prakashan/Motilal Banarsidass (Now in public domain)
6. Hiriyanna, M
Outlines of Indian Philosophy
IV. S. Chand and Company Limited
7. Jordan, E L and Verma, P S
Invertebrate Zoology
V. Penguin India
8. Thapar, Romila
Early India: From the Origins to AD 1300
VI. Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.
9. Kosambi, Damodar Dharmanand
An Introduction to the Study of Indian History
10. Satoskar, R S; Bhandarkar, S D; Rege, Nirmala N
Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics
VII. New Central Book Agency, Kolkata
11. Gangulee, H. C.
College Botany Volume I
12. Gangulee, Kar
College Botany Volume II
13. Mukherjee, S. K.
College Botany Volume III
VIII. Orient BlackswanPvt. Ltd
14. P S Gisbert
Fundamentals of Sociology
IX. Surjeet Publications (Now in public domain)
15. Laski, H J
A Grammar of Politics
X. Allied Publishers
16. Rao,V K R V
Education and Human Resource Development
XI. University of California Press
17. Beteille, A
Caste, Class and Power - Changing Patterns of Stratification
in a Tanjore Village
XII. Asia Publishing House
18. Srinivas, M N
Caste in Modern India and other Essays Modern India
XIII. Orient Longman Pvt. Ltd
19. Srinivas, M N
Social Change in Modern India
XIV. Sterling Publishers Private Limited
20. D Ravindra Prasad, V S Prasad, P Satyanarayana and Y. Pardhasaradhi
Administrative Thinkers
21. Jagannath Mohanty
Indian Education in the Emerging Society
XV. Navajivan Trust (Now in public domain)
22. Gandhi, M K
Hind Swaraj
XVI. Free Press (Now in public domain)
23. Radcliffe-Brown, A R
Structure and Function in Primitive Society
XVII. Deccan College Postgraduate and Research Institute, Poona
24. Karve, Irawati
Hindu Society - An Interpretation
XVIII. Oxford University Press (Now in public domain)
25. George H. Sabine
A History of Political Theory
XIX. Free Press (Now in public domain)
26. John Dewey
Democracy and Education
XX. Thompson Learning Asia Ltd
27. Yogendra Singh
Modernization of Indian Tradition - A Systemic Study of
Social Change
B. NTM has acquired license for the following titles.
XXI. Novelty & Co.,
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29. Dr. Brajendra Kumar Jha & Dr. Shailendra Kumar Jha
Pracheen Bharatiya Vangmay me Antarnihit Aarthik Avadharanayen
XXII. Linguistics Society of America
30. Bernard Bloch and George L Trager
Outlines of Linguistics Analysis
XXIII. Shiva Prakashan
31. Dr. P. A. Ghosh & Manojit Das
Camouflage Warfare of Modern Era: the Future of Cyber Warfare
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32. Roop Narayan Batham
Definitional Dictionary of Standard Global Art Terms
C. NTM and Pearson Education India signed agreements to co-publish the following books originally published by Pearson Education India.
Pearson Education India
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