Volume 11, Issue 1, 2017
Shape-Shifting Sources
and Illusory Targets: Jhaverchand Meghani and Saurashtrani Rasdhar.
Author(s): Krupa Shah Pages: 1 - 14
Published: 2017
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Shape-Shifting Sources and Illusory Targets: Jhaverchand Meghani and Saurashtrani
This paper challenges the static notions of a ‘source text’, fixed and ‘bordered’
in language and time, and serving as the prototype for a translation that is always
and inevitably seen to take place in a cultural ‘elsewhere’. It explores instead
the source and the target not as binaries separated by cultural and linguistic borders,
but as a spectrum, one conflating into the other. This model of thought is particularly
helpful in the context of the Gujarati writer Jhaverchand Meghani (1897- 1947) who
was a prolific writer, critic and journalist. This paper limits itself to the context
of his pioneering work in Gujarati folk literature, especially a collection of lokavarta
or folk stories about the Rajput life and valour in medieval Saurashtra called Saurashtrani
Rashdhar. Meghani travelled far and wide in Saurashtra over a period of several
years collecting and documenting repositories of oral culture through folk stories,
songs, ballads and various other popular forms. His sources were people from various
occupations, castes, gender and class. Sometimes there was more than one version
of the same tale and sometimes the same story contained idioms of two languages
of regions that were linguistically similar, like Kutch and Kathiawad. How does
one think of borders and sources in these contexts? This paper looks at a number
of such consequences in the context of Meghani’s folk stories and examines sites
of translational borders and exchanges in order to propose a new way of thinking
about sources and targets.
Keywords: Shape-shifting Sources, Illusory Targets, Meghani, Saurashtrani
Rasdhar, Translation and Borders.
Cite this work
Shah, Krupa. 2017. Shape-Shifting Sources and Illusory Targets: Jhaverchand Meghani and Saurashtrani Rasdhar. Translation Today, vol. 11(1). 1-14.
Ambapali's Verse
in Therigatha: Trajectories and Transformations.
Author(s): Supriya Banerjee
 Pages: 15 - 25
Published: 2017
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Ambapali's Verse in Therigatha: Trajectories and Transformations
Translation is a methodological democratic tool. It not only uses the ‘original’
discourses as its means to create awareness for texts in various language forms;
it can also be credited for recreating adaptations, interpretations, and retellings
as a knowledge form. An entire semiotic body of work is exchanged into another expansive
body consisting of different registers and temporalities, which furthermore interfaces
with a new social, political and cultural context. The role of time as a chronological
factor only is a fallacy, as it meanders through the translation process and marks
its presence through the transcreation processes. The paper proposes to delve into
the lives of the Buddhist nuns as described in the Therigatha, and highlight how
the fluidity and inter-textual nuances of translation in English language influences
the reception of the centuries old text. Reading for the purpose of understanding
a text is not only individualistic, but is a social and political process which
may sometimes colour the entire spectrum of receiving a discourse.
Keywords: Translation, Reception, Chronology, Culture Controlled Preferences,
Cite this work
Banerjee, Supriya. 2017. Ambapali's Verse in Therigatha: Trajectories and Transformations.Translation Today, vol. 11(1). 15-25.
Enigma of Translation
and Indian Philosophy: A Reading of Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s Madhushala.
Author(s): Manish Prasad
 Pages: 27 - 50
Published: 2017
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Enigma of Translation and Indian Philosophy: A Reading of Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s
In Translation Studies, what is the relation of one text with another? When we ‘synthesise’
a composite text, as translation or as recreation, out of several ‘variants’ or
source language text, what is its status and use? When several types get mixed together
to form new texts, it becomes the admixture random and promiscuous. Or does it add
up to a functioning unity, serving an artistic, meaningful whole? These are questions
which are related with and raised against translation. In my proposed paper I would
like to attempt answers to the above questions – not only theoretically but also
through the analysis of Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s Madhushala and its archetype, the
‘mixture of types, the ‘variants’ with Edward Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
and Bachchan’s own translation of Fitzgerald’s Khayyam ki Madhushala and how do
they mean what they actually mean. In the rest of the paper, I shall try to reconstruct
and explain how translation can lead and help in the production of knowledge from
some Indian Philosophical point(s) of view. For example, the cannibalistic theory
of textual consumption has been reworked to offer an alternative perspective on
the role of the translator, one in which the act of translation is seen in terms
of physical metaphors that stress both the creativity and the independence of the
translator. This same theory finds its parallel in our Indian Philosophy in case
of knowledge production, where knowledge is produced and reproduced through the
process of translation and results in a new creative work of the translator, having
his/her independence over the target language text. Thus, through Bachchan’s Madhushala
I would like to show one of the possible Indian views of translation as a process
of knowledge production and the need for freedom of knowledge that is translation
from barrier, which Lawrence Venuti calls “the scandal of translation”.
Keywords: Translation, Knowledge, Indian Philosophy, Madhushala, Scandal,
Cite this work
Prasad, Manish. 2017. Enigma of Translation and Indian Philosophy: A Reading of Harivansh Rai Bachchan’s Madhushala. Translation Today, vol. 11(1). 27-50.
The Holy Register:
Its Equivalence and Strategies.
Author(s): Matthew Prattipati
 Pages: 51 - 66
Published: 2017
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The Holy Register: Its Equivalence and Strategies
Lexical gaps pose an insurmountable problem before a translator who deals with two
languages which are distanced by un-bridgeable cultural differences. The present
paper focuses on how certain techniques can be applied to ameliorate the word level
problems posed by the non-correspondence of words and meanings between English and
Telugu while translating religious texts. This paper puts forth a set of parameters
for overcoming such problems.
Keywords: The Holy Bible, Translation, God, Holy Spirit,
Temple, Telugu Translators and Equivalence
Cite this work
Prattipati, Matthew. 2017. The Holy Register: Its Equivalence and Strategies. Translation Today, vol. 11(1). 51-66.
Should the Translator
Ask: Woman, What have I to do with You?.
Author(s): Levin Mary Jacob
 Pages: 67 - 80
Published: 2017
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Should the Translator Ask: Woman, What have I to do with You?
This study problematizes the translating of the Bible into Malayalam by engaging
in a comparative analysis of three Malayalam translations of select passages from
the Gospel according to John. Surveying these texts from the subject position of
woman and an informed reader, the study tries to understand the gender nuances embedded
with translated texts. The attempt is to voice the silences within the texts by
intervening the text using grammar, vocabulary and meaning as indicators of patriarchal
traces and gender asymmetries.
Keywords: Translation, Translator, the Bible, Gender,
Woman, Patriarchy, Lexicon
Cite this work
Jacob, Levin Mary. 2017. Should the Translator Ask: Woman, What have I to do with You?. Translation Today, vol. 11(1). 67-80.