ट्रांसलेशन टुडे
A Biannual Double-blind Peer-reviewed refereed UGC Approved Journal


Translation Today (TT) follows the international standards in all aspects of journal publication. This journal publishes original scholarly submissions in various categories including articles, book reviews, interviews etc., that are relevant to Translation Studies, Interpretation Studies and Adaptation Studies. This journal maintains free participation and open access policy. This journal welcomes submissions that meet the highest standards of publication ethics through a transparent reviewing process. Authentic permission is mandatory, if an author intends to submit contents that are either fully or partially published on some other platform. The responsibility to obtain the permission to republish rests with the authors. The authors and contributors are fully responsible for the views expressed in their submissions.

Reviewing process

The contents published in this journal are screened and shortlisted through a double-blind peer-review process. All relevant articles, book reviews, interviews and translations submitted to the journal go through at least two blind reviews by subject experts. The editors assign the submissions to subject experts who examine the submissions strictly in accordance with the parameters/guidelines set by the editorial board (please see the selection criteria on the submission page). All authors receive an acknowledgement and review report for their submissions. The acknowledgement of a relevant submission is done in less than a week while the reviewing process usually takes around three-four months. Please view our Reviewer's Response Sheet here.

No Fees/Charges

This journal works for knowledge dissemination purposes. Therefore, it does NOT charge any processing, reviewing or publication fees at any stage. The editorial board and pool of reviewers also provide their services to the journal for free.

Open Access

For the wider dissemination of knowledge, all issues of Translation Today are available for free access online. The print copies are available through subscription. The back volumes of the print edition are also available on payment.


Copyrights for the published items including articles/translations/book reviews are retained by the National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore. Authors who wish to republish their submission on some other platform may request for a written permission before doing so.


This journal encourages honesty in academic practices and adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarized contents in any form. A submission with plagiarized content is outrightly rejected. Translation Today discourages the submission of plagiarized material in any form. Though all submissions are put on rigorous plagiarism check, the responsibility of originality of content rests with the concerned authors. A paper found with plagiarized content (major or minor) will not be considered for reviewing or publication. If an item published in this journal is found to have plagiarized content it would be withdrawn by giving notice to the author and his/her employer and by notifying on the journal's webpage.
Plagiarism is a serious issue in present-day academia. It is an act of cheating or stealing or impersonating the academic and intellectual work of someone else. Plagiarism can happen in several ways intentionally or unintentionally. It violates the ethics of publication and rights of the people who develop an idea on their own.

Types of plagiarism to be avoided
  1. Complete Plagiarism: impersonating authorship or submitting/publishing someone else's work in your name.
  2. Direct Plagiarism: word for word copying of someone's writings without citation and quotation marks.
  3. Self Plagiarism: recycling or copying your earlier published work as new i.e., without giving proper references and/or citing acknowledgement to the previous stakeholders.
  4. Mosaic plagiarism: (also known as 'patchwriting') refers to paraphrasing someone's writings without quotation marks and citation, substituting some words/phrases of the original writer and projecting your work as new.
  5. Accidental plagiarism: when content is not properly cited and copying occurs due to negligence or misquoting.

Translation Today prohibits all types of plagiarism and strictly adheres to the ethics of journal publication.

Frequency and cycle

The journal brings out two issues in a calendar year. The first issue is published in June and the second issue is published in December every year. The submission to the journal is open round the year. The selection of a submission for publication depends on the date of completion of reviewing and modifications. In case of delays related to reviewing/modification, the submission would be considered for the next issue.

Author’s benefit

ṇ The authors may submit an article even without subscribing to the journal. All authors and contributing authors are entitled to free complimentary copies. The authors and contributors from India receive complimentary copies in print as well as electronic format. The overseas authors and contributors receive an e-copy of the issue.